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OHS Policies Part 10: De-energization and Lockout



R10.3-1 When Lockout Required - (Automatic) J-Bar Sorting Systems

Policies Part 10 - When Lockout Required

When Lockout Required - (Automatic) J-Bar Sorting Systems

1. Explanatory Notes
Section 10.3 sets out requirements for locking out machinery and equipment. Other requirements are found in sections 4.3 and 12.15.

2. The OHSR
Section 10.3:

(1) If machinery or equipment is shut down for maintenance, no work may be done until

(a) all parts and attachments have been secured against inadvertent movement,

(b) where the work will expose workers to energy sources, the hazard has been effectively controlled, and

(c) the energy isolating devices have been locked out as required by this Part.

(2) If machinery or equipment is in use for normal production work, subsection (1) applies if a work activity creates a risk of injury to workers from the movement of the machinery or equipment, or exposure to an energy source, and the machinery or equipment is not effectively safeguarded to protect the workers from the risk.

Section 4.3:

(1) The employer must ensure that each machine and piece of equipment in the workplace is

(a) capable of safely performing the functions for which it is used, and

(b) selected, used and operated in accordance with

(i) the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions, if available,

(ii) safe work practices, and

(iii) the requirements of this Regulation.

(2) Unless otherwise specified by this Regulation, the installation, inspection, testing, repair and maintenance of a tool, machine or piece of equipment must be carried out

(a) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and any standard the tool, machine or piece of equipment is required to meet, or

(b) as specified by a professional engineer.

(3) A tool, machine or piece of equipment determined to be unsafe for use must be identified in a manner which will ensure it is not inadvertently returned to service until it is made safe for use.

(4) Unless otherwise specified by this Regulation, any modification of a tool, machine or piece of equipment must be carried out in accordance with

(a) the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions, if available,

(b) safe work practices, and

(c) the requirements of this Regulation.

Section 12.15:

Effective means of restraint must be used

(a) on a connection of a hose or a pipe if inadvertent disconnection could be dangerous to a worker,

(b) if unplanned movement of an object or component could endanger a worker, or

(c) to secure an object from falling and endangering a worker.

Entry into bin areas of automatic J-Bar sorting systems, either above or below the lifts, is prohibited unless the system is locked-out in accordance with section 10.3.

In addition to lock-out, the following is required:

(a) when maintenance, repair work, routine clean-up, or inspection requires entry into the bin area, the lifts must be lowered onto positive mechanical stops of adequate size, or onto the bin removal chains. Safety stops must not be depended on to withstand the impact of a falling lift; or

(b) when circumstances require entry of a worker into a bin to clear a lumber hang-up which prevents lowering of the lift onto a positive stop, the lift must be restrained in accordance with section 12.15.

Guarding of bin removal chain drives is not required as this is a restricted access area and the system must be locked out before entry is permitted.

It is the employer's responsibility to:

(a) obtain documentation (documentation from the equipment manufacturer is acceptable) that the blocking equipment or restraining devices are capable of performing the functions for which they are to be used under section 4.3(1)(a); and

(b) maintain the equipment as specified by the manufacturer as required by section 4.3(2).

EFFECTIVE DATE: April 1, 2001
AUTHORITY: Sections 4.3, 10.3, and 12.15 of the OHSR.
HISTORY: April 6, 2020 - Housekeeping changes.
September 15, 2010 - Housekeeping changes to delete practice reference and make formatting changes.
March 1, 2005 - Housekeeping changes to reflect the October 29, 2003 changes to the OHSR. This Item originally replaced Policy No. 62.60 of the former Prevention Division Policy and Procedure Manual.
October 29, 2003 - The reproduction of section 4.3 of the OHSR in this Item was revised to reflect its amendment.
This Item results from the 2000/2001 "editorial" consolidation of all prevention policies into the Prevention Manual. The POLICY in this Item merely continues the substantive requirements of Policy No. 62.60, as they existed prior to the Effective Date, with any wording changes necessary to reflect legislative and regulatory changes since Policy No. 62.60 was issued.
APPLICATION: This policy applies to locking out Automatic J-Bar Sorting Systems on and after April 1, 2001.

Disclaimer: The Workers' Compensation Board of B.C. (WorkSafeBC) publishes the online versions of the Workers Compensation Act (Act) and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (Regulation) in accordance with its mandate under the Act to provide information and promote public awareness of occupational health and safety matters. The online Act and Regulation are not the official versions, which may be purchased from Crown Publications. WorkSafeBC endeavours to update the online Act and Regulation as soon as possible following any legislative amendments. However, WorkSafeBC does not warrant the accuracy or the completeness of the online Act or Regulation, and neither WorkSafeBC nor its board of directors, employees or agents shall be liable to any person for any loss or damage of any nature, whether arising out of negligence or otherwise, arising from the use of the online versions. Employers are legally obligated to make a copy of the Workers Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation readily available for review by workers. The circumstances under which WorkSafeBC may consider an employer's providing access to electronic versions of the Act and Regulation to have satisfied this obligation are described in OHS guideline G-P2-21(2)(f).