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Practice Directives

Practice Directives are issued by the Practice and Quality Support Services to address specific compensation matters. These directives serve to support quality decision making by highlighting key adjudicative considerations consistent with the objective/principle of a particular legislative and/or policy requirement. Where necessary, Practice Directives will also provide for a supporting business process and will include adjudicative examples or job aids to demonstrate appropriate application.

Practice Directives are developed in consultation with subject matter experts within Claims and Rehabilitation Services. Advice and comment is also provided by the Review Division and the Policy, Regulation and Research Department.

Prior to finalizing and issuing a new Practice Directive, a draft is provided to the Policy and Practice Consultative Committee. This is a standing committee that includes representation from the worker and employer communities.

WorkSafeBC officers are required to consider and, where appropriate, apply the guidance provided in the Practice Directives.

Compensation Practice Directives

P.D. No.
Title Effective date
Chapter 1 Scope of Volume II of this Manual
C1-1 Effective Dates and Transition Rules Effective Apr.1, 2003
Updated Feb. 27, 2007, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD #38A)
C1-2 Binding Nature of Policy Effective Mar. 2, 2003
Amended Apr. 22, 2003, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD #60)
Chapter 3 Compensation for Personal Injury
C3-1 Chronic Pain Effective Jan. 1, 2003
Amended Jan. 1, 2004,
Dec. 21, 2010, May 15, 2015, Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD#61)

Mental Disorder Claims
Interim practice directive

Effective Jan. 2, 2013
Amended Jun. 21, 2013,
Feb. 18, 2014, May 18, 2018, July 23, 2018, May 21, 2019, Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020, Oct. 30, 2020, May 19, 2021 & Dec. 30,  2021
C3-4 Section 134(3) Presumption Effective Apr. 20, 2012
Amended Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
C3-5 Compensable Consequences - Psychological Conditions Effective Feb. 6, 2015
Amended Oct. 30, 2015, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
C3-6 Teachers' Participation in Extra-Employment Activities Effective May 9, 2016
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
C3-7 Mental Disorder Claims — Time Limits for Application
Effective Aug. 14, 2020
Amended Nov. 17, 2021 & Jun. 3, 2024
Chapter 4 Occupational Disease
C4-1 Adjudication of Contagious Occupational Diseases Effective Aug. 9, 2005
Amended Jan. 1, 2004,
Amended Aug. 18, 2009, Oct. 27, 2009, Apr. 6, 2020, Aug. 20, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#10)
C4-2 Activity-Related Soft Tissue Disorder (ASTD) Claims

Effective Jun. 15, 2004
Amended Oct. 2, 2006,
Dec. 5, 2011,
May 11, 2012, May 22, 2015,
Nov. 21, 2017, Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD#66)

Chapter 5 Wage Loss Benefits  
C5-1 Duration of Benefits - Retirement Date

Effective Oct. 21, 2002
Amended May 17, 2021, Jan. 30, 2015,
Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020, July 1, 2020, Jan. 1, 2021, Nov. 26, 2021, & Jan. 1, 2024
(formerly PD#41)

C5-2 Commencement of Payments Effective Nov. 19, 2004
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#1)
C5-3 Termination of Temporary Disability Benefits Effective Dec. 21, 2004
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#2)
C5-4 Suspensions Effective Mar. 29, 2010
Amended July 12, 2016, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
C5-6 Return to Work Obligations: Duty to Cooperate and Duty to Maintain Employment
Interim practice directive
Effective Jan. 1, 2024
C5-7 Administrative Penalties for Failure to Comply with the Duty to Cooperate or Duty to Maintain Employment
Interim practice directive
Effective Jan. 1, 2024
Chapter 6 Permanent Disability Benefits  
C6-1 Permanent Partial Disability Benefits Effective Mar. 3, 2003
Amended Dec. 2, 2019, Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020, Jan. 1, 2021, Dec. 30, 2021,  Oct. 3, 2022 & Nov. 16, 2022
(formerly PD#45)
Chapter 7 Protection of and Deductions from Benefits
C7-1 Payment of Public Guardian and Trustee, and Committee Fees Effective Aug. 25, 1998
Amended Apr. 6, 2020
(formerly PD#19)
C7-3 Overpayments Effective Apr. 18, 2008
Amended Feb.18, 2014, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#20)
C7-4 Interest Effective Apr. 3, 2023
Chapter 9 Average Earnings  
C9-1 Coverage and Compensation for Self-Employed Persons Effective Jun. 30, 2002
Updated Aug. 1, 2006, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD#25)
C9-2 Provisional Rate Effective Mar. 3, 2003
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD#30)
C9-3 Net System of Compensation Effective Jun. 30, 2002
Amended May 8, 2009, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD#32)
C9-4 Short-Term and Long-Term Average Earnings Effective Jan.1, 2016
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD#33A)
C9-5 Secondary Employment Effective Jun. 17, 2003
Amended July 1, 2012, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD#33D)
C9-8 Employment Insurance Payments Effective Jul.1, 2012
Amended Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#3)
C9-9 Casual Pattern of Employment Effective Jan. 1, 2006
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS #13)
C9-10 Workers Deducting Business and/or Equipment Expenses Effective Aug. 1, 2006
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#16)
C9-11 Composition of Earnings Effective Jan. 14, 2008
Amended Mar. 24, 2016,
Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly BPIS#19)
C9-12 Long-Term Average Earnings: Section 218 - Exceptional Circumstances Effective May 1, 2008
Amended Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly BPIS#21)
Chapter 10 Health Care  
C10-1 Claims with Opioids, Sedatives/Hypnotics or Other Prescribed Potentially Addictive Drugs Effective Jan. 1, 2015

Amended date Nov. 29, 2019, Apr. 6, 2020, Dec. 30, 2021 & Nov. 1, 2023

C10-2 Income Loss Payments Effective Mar. 3, 2003
Amended March 1, 2017, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly PD#C9-7)
C10-3 Additional Benefits for Severely Disabled Workers
Effective July 12, 2016
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
C10-4 Independence and Home Maintenance Allowance Effective July 12, 2016
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
C10-5 Cannabis for Medical Purposes

Effective July 26, 2021
Amended Dec. 30, 2021

C10-6 Preventative Health Care
Interim practice directive

Effective Aug. 14, 2020
Amended Dec. 30, 2021

Chapter 11 Vocational Rehabilitation  
C11-1 Vocational Rehabilitation – Income Continuity Benefits Effective Mar. 3, 2003
Amended Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020, Jan. 1, 2021, Dec. 30, 2021, & Oct. 3, 2022
(formerly PD#18)
C11-2 Vocational Rehabilitation Programs & Services Effective Nov. 1, 2002
Amended Sept. 1, 2015,
Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly PD#51)
C11-3 Vocational Rehabilitation – Extent of Service Effective Nov. 1, 2002
Amended Sept. 1, 2015, Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020, Jan. 1, 2021, Dec. 30, 2021, & Oct. 3, 2022
(formerly PD#52)
C11-4 Vocational Rehabilitation Relocation Effective Nov. 1, 2002
Amended Jan. 29, 2003, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly PD#54)
Chapter 12 Claims Procedures  
C12-1 Disclosure of Personal Information Amended effective
Mar. 3, 2003, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly PD#8)
C12-2 Violations of the Act: Agreement to Forego Benefits and Employers Preventing Reporting Effective Dec. 17, 2001
Amended Dec. 2, 2019, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly PD#26)
C12-5 Authorization for Obtaining and Releasing Personal Information Effective Oct. 1, 2008
Amended Apr. 11, 2018, Apr. 6, 2020, Dec. 30, 2021 & June 6, 2022
(formerly PD#63)
C12-6 Implementation of Appellate Decisions Effective Jul. 4, 2005
Amended Apr. 6, 2020, Dec. 30, 2021 & Apr. 3, 2023
(formerly BPIS#9)
C12-7 Surveillance and Other Evidence Effective May 2, 2007
Amended Mar. 24, 2016,
Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020, June 5, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly BPIS#18)
C12-8 Managing Claims of Psychologically Vulnerable Workers Effective Oct. 24, 2008
Amended Mar. 29, 2010,
Apr. 6, 2020, May 3, 2021, May 19, 2021, Dec. 30, 2021 & Jan. 19, 2022
C12-9 Responding to a Risk or Threat of Suicide Effective Oct. 24, 2008
Amended June 1, 2017, Apr. 6, 2020, May 19, 2021 & Dec. 30, 2021
Chapter 14 Changing Previous Decisions  
C14-1 Bill 63 Effective Dates and Transition Rules for Reopenings, Reconsiderations, Reviews and Appeals Effective Mar. 3, 2003
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly PD#57)
C14-2 Reconsiderations Effective Mar. 31, 2005
Amended Sept. 30, 2013, Apr. 6, 2020, Oct. 29, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly BPIS#5)
C14-3 Reopenings Mar. 31, 2005
Amended Jan. 30, 2015, Apr. 6, 2020, Nov. 24, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#6)
C14-4 Findings of Fact Effective Jun. 26, 2006
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly BPIS#14)
Chapter 16 Third Party/Out-of-Province Claims
C16-3 Out-Of-Province Injuries Effective Oct. 12, 2005
Amended Feb. 28, 2020, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30, 2021
(formerly BPIS#11)
Chapter 17 Charging of Claim Costs  
C17-1 Section 240(1)(d) - Relief of Costs: Eligibility and Application Effective May 12, 2005
Amended May 3, 2013, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#7)
C17-2 Experience Rating Cost Exclusions Effective Jul. 4, 2005
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#8)
C17-3 Section 240(1)(d) - Relief of Costs: Evaluation and Determination of the Amount Effective Nov. 2, 2005
Amended Nov. 8, 2017, Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly BPIS#12)
Chapter 18 Retirement Benefits  
C18-1 Retirement Benefits Effective Jul. 16, 2002
Amended Apr. 6, 2020 & Dec. 30,  2021
(formerly PD#48)

Archived ASTD Reference Guide

Archived Best Practices Information Sheets

Archived Compensation Practice Directives

Archived Disability Awards-Additional Factors

Archived Psychological Impairment Guidelines

Related Practices

Disability Awards - S.195(1) Specifications and Calculations

Permanent Disability Benefits for Loss of Range of Motion - Chronic Pain (Jozipovic Decision)

Practice Q&A: Mental Disorder Claims - Eligible Occupations under the Presumption

Psychological Impairment Guidelines

Vocational Rehabilitation – VR Worker Travel Expenditure Guidelines