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Please note: This is not a complete list of all amended or rescinded practice directives. If there were non-substantive changes to a practice directive, the former version may not be included in the list below.

Compensation Practice Directives Rescinded/Amended

No. Title Rescinded/Replaced

Wage Loss Benefits for Teachers during Summer
(November 6, 1995)

Rescinded May 1, 2002
3. Modified Employment and Timely Return to Work
(November 23, 1995)
Rescinded Jan. 1, 2005
4. Decisional Milestones - Claims Department
(January 4, 1996)
Rescinded (date unknown)

Reviews by Managers
(January 10, 1996)

Rescinded Mar. 3, 2003

Provisional Rates
(March 25, 1996)

Replaced by #30 on Feb. 25, 2002

Exclusion of Certain Claims Costs from Experience Rating Calculations
(June 1996)

Replaced by BPIS#8 on July  4, 2005
8. Disclosure of Personal Information
(August 27, 1996)
Amended Mar. 3, 2003
9. Criminal Injury Compensation Act
(September 23, 1996)
Rescinded Mar. 3, 2003
10. Treatment Prior to Entitlement Determination
(January 24, 1997)
Rescinded (date unknown)
11. Section 10(8) Transfer of Costs
(February 24, 1997)
Rescinded Mar. 8, 2006
11. Section 10(8) Transfer of Costs
(March 3, 2003)
Rescinded Mar. 8, 2006
12. Claims Management and the Continuum of Care
(June 16, 1997)
Rescinded by PD#23 on May 16, 2000

Medical Advisor and Nurse Advisor Referrals
(November 25, 1997)

Rescinded (date unknown)

Suicide Threat Code
(November 28, 1997)

Rescinded on Oct. 16, 2006

Section 39(1)(e) - Relief of Costs
(August 4, 1998)

Rescinded on June 2, 2008

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
(August 25, 1998)

Rescinded Aug. 17, 2007

Continuity of Income (Code R) Benefits
(August 25, 1998)

Amended Mar. 3, 2003
21. E-File Guidelines Update
(February 12, 1999)
Replaced by PD#27 on June 5, 2001
22. Principals' Earnings Information
(February 2000)
Updated Mar. 18, 2005
22. Principals' Earnings Information
(March 18, 2005)
Updated Mar. 8, 2006
22. Principals' Earnings Information
(March 8, 2006)
Rescinded Jan. 1, 2008
23. Claims Management and Board-Sponsored Rehabilitation
(May 16, 2000)
Rescinded May 29, 2008
24. Physician’s Progress Report - Form 11
(May 10, 2000)
Rescinded Mar. 8, 2006
25. Coverage and Compensation for Self-employed Persons
(June 30, 2002)
Updated Mar. 8, 2006
25. Coverage and Compensation for Self-employed Persons
(March 8, 2006)
Amended Aug. 1, 2006
28. Interest on Retroactive Wage Loss and Permanent Disability Lump-Sum Benefits
(November 1, 2001)
Amended Mar. 3, 2003
28. Interest on Retroactive Wage Loss and Permanent Disability Lump-Sum Benefits
(March 3, 2003)
Updated Mar. 1, 2006
29. Section 39(1)(e) - Relief of Costs
(December 21, 2001)
Rescinded Mar. 8, 2006
30. Provisional Rates
(February 19, 2002)
Amended Mar. 3, 2003
31. Overview of Amendments to the Workers Compensation Act and Amendments to Board Policies
(June 30, 2002)
Amended Mar. 3, 2003
31. Overview of Amendments to the Workers Compensation Act and Amendments to Board Policies
(March 3, 2003)
Rescinded Mar. 8, 2006
33. Average Earnings - Initial and Long-term Wage Rates
(June 30, 2002)
Amended July 16, 2002
33. Average Earnings - Initial and Long-term Wage Rates
(July 16, 2002)
Amended and split into 33A & 33C
33. Average Earnings - Initial and Long-term Wage Rates
(October 31, 2003)
Split into PD#33A & PD#33C
33A. Initial and Long-Term Average Earnings
(October 31, 2003)
Updated Mar. 31, 2005
33A. Initial and Long-Term Average Earnings and Appendix
(March 31, 2005)
Updated Apr. 14, 2005
33A. Initial and Long-Term Average Earnings
(April 14, 2005)
Updated Oct. 1, 2005
33A. Initial and Long-Term Average Earnings
(October 1, 2005)
Amended Jan. 1, 2006
33A. Initial and Long-Term Average Earnings
(January 1, 2006)
Amended Aug. 1, 2006
33A. Initial and Long-Term Average Earnings
(August 1, 2006)
Amended May 1, 2008
33B. Casual Workers
(March 18, 2003)
Replaced by BPIS#13 Jan. 1, 2006

Long Term Average Earnings s.33.4 Exceptional Circumstances
(October, 2003)

Replaced by BPIS#21 May 1, 2008
33C. Appendix to PD#33C Replaced by BPIS#21 May 1, 2008
34. Actual Loss Payments
(March 3, 2003)
Rescinded Aug. 17, 2006
35. Employment Insurance Payments
(June 30, 2002)
Replaced by BPIS#3 Feb. 1, 2005
38. Effective Dates, Recurrences and Transition Rules
(June 30, 2002)
Amended Aug. 13, 2002
38. Effective Dates, Recurrences and Transition Rules
(August 13, 2002)
Replaced by PD#s 38A & 38B on Oct. 16, 2002
38A. Effective Dates and Transition Rules
(October 16, 2002)
Amended Apr. 1, 2003
38A. Effective Dates and Transition Rules
(April 1, 2003)
Amended Sept 25, 2006
38A. Effective Dates and Transition Rules
(September 25, 2006)
Amended Feb. 27, 2007
38B. Recurrences
(October 16, 2002)
Amended Mar. 3, 2003
38B. Reopenings and Recurrences - Bill 63
(March 3, 2003)
Amended July 18, 2003
38B. Reopenings and Recurrences - Bill 63
(July 18, 2003)
Replaced by BPIS#6 on Mar. 31, 2005
39. Mental Stress
(June 30, 2002)
Amended Mar. 3, 2003
39. Mental Stress
(March 3, 2003)
Amended Apr. 22, 2003
39. Mental Stress
(April 22, 2003)
Amended Dec. 31, 2003
39. Mental Stress
(December 31, 2003)
Amended Feb. 1, 2004
39. Mental Stress
(February 1, 2004)
Amended Feb. 27, 2004
39. Mental Stress
(February 27, 2004)
Replaced by BPIS #15 on July 10, 2006
39. Mental Stress
(July 10, 2006)
Replaced by PD#C3-3 Oct. 13, 2010
40. Obligation to Provide Information
(June 30, 2002)
Amended Aug. 1, 2002
41. Duration of Benefits - Age 65
(June 30, 2002)
Amended Oct. 21, 2002
41. Duration of Benefits - Age 65
(October 21, 2002)
Amended May 14, 2003
42. Appeals
(June 30, 2002)
Rescinded Mar. 3, 2003
43. Relief of Costs
(September 28, 2002)
Amended July 1, 2003
43. Relief of Costs
(July 1, 2003)
Rescinded Mar. 8, 2006
44. Overview of Changes to Permanent Disability Awards
(July 16, 2002)
Rescinded Mar. 8, 2006
45. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits-Section 23(1)
(July 16, 2002)

Amended Mar. 3, 2003

46. Permanent Disability Benefits-Section 23(3)
(July 16, 2002)

Amended Mar. 3, 2003

46. Permanent Disability Benefits-Section 23(3)
(March 3, 2003)

Replaced by BPIS#17 Aug. 25, 2006

46. Permanent Disability Benefits-Section 23(3)
(April 29, 2011)

Replaced by PD#C6-2 May 31, 2011

50. Overview of Amendments to Vocational Rehabilitation Services Policy
(November 1, 2002)
Amended Jan. 29, 2003
50. Overview of Amendments to Vocational Rehabilitation Services Policy
(January 29, 2003)
Rescinded Mar. 8, 2006
51. Vocational Rehabilitation - Programs & Services
(November 1, 2002)
Amended Jan. 29, 2003
52. Vocational Rehabilitation - Extent of Service
(November 1, 2002)
Amended Jan. 29, 2003
53. Vocational Rehabilitation - Work Assessments
(November 1, 2002)
Rescinded Jan. 29, 2003
54. Vocational Rehabilitation - Relocation
(November 1, 2002)
Amended Jan. 29, 2003
55. Casual Workers
(November 20, 2002)
Amended Mar. 18, 2003
55. Casual Workers
(March 18, 2003)
Re-numbered 33B
56. Secondary Employment
(June 17, 2003)
Re-numbered 33D
58. Reopenings
(March 3, 2003)
Amended July 1, 2003
58. Reopenings
(July 1, 2003)
Replaced by BPIS#6 Mar. 31, 2005
59. Reconsiderations
(March 3, 2003)
Replaced by BPIS#5 Mar. 31, 2005
60. Binding Nature of Policy
(March 3, 2003)
Amended Apr. 22, 2003
61. Pain and Chronic Pain
(January 1, 2003)
Amended Jan. 1, 2004
61. Chronic Pain
(January 1, 2004)
Replaced by PD#C3-1 Dec. 21, 2010
62. Relief of Costs
(July 1, 2003)
Replaced by BPIS#7 May 12, 2005
63. Authorization of Representative
(December 31, 2003)
Amended Feb. 26, 2004
65. Implementation of Review Division and Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal Decisions
(May 1, 2004)
Replaced by BPIS#9 July 4, 2005

Adjudication of Activity-Related Soft Tissue Disorder (“ASTD”) Claims
(June 15, 2004)

Amended Oct. 2, 2006

Relief of Costs: Determining the Amount
(February 1, 2004)

Replaced by BPIS#12 Nov. 2, 2005
BPIS#4. Personal Service Corporations
(March 18, 2005)
Rescinded Oct. 1, 2005
BPIS#17. Permanent Disability Benefits - Section 23(3) (“So Exceptional” Test)
(August 25, 2006)
Replaced by BPIS#22 May 29, 2008
68. Adjudication of Contagious Occupational Diseases without Medical Reports
(August 9, 2005)
Replaced by PD#C4-1 Oct. 27, 2009
69. Suspensions
(March 29, 2006)
Replaced by PD#C5-4 June 24, 2010
70. Permanent Disability Benefits – Section 23(3)
(May 29, 2008)
Replaced by PD#C6-2 Oct. 22, 2008
71. Permanent Disability Benefits – Section 23(3)
(October 22, 2008)
Replaced by PD#C6-2 June 30, 2010
72. Interest
(March 1, 2006)
Replaced by PD#C7-2 May 8, 2009
73. Overpayments
(April 18, 2008)
Replaced by PD#C7-3 June 3, 2010
74. Net System of Compensation
(June 30, 2002)
Replaced by PD#C9-3 May 8, 2009
75. Section 30 Benefits
(June 30, 2002)
Retired May 8, 2009
76. Income Loss Payments
(March 3, 2003)
Replaced by PD#C9-7 May 8, 2009
77. Claims with Opioids Prescribed
(October 9, 2008)
Replaced by PD#C10-1 Feb. 18, 2011
78. Vocational Rehabilitation Programs & Services
(November 1, 2002)
Replaced by PD#C11-2 May 8, 2009
79. E-File Guidelines Update
(June 5, 2001)
Retired May 8, 2009
80. Obligation to Provide Information
(June 30, 2002)
Retired Mar. 29, 2010
81. Authorization for Obtaining and Releasing Personal Information
(December 31, 2003)
Replaced by PD#C12-5 May 8, 2009
82. Surveillance and Other Evidence
(May 2, 2007)
Replaced by PD#C12-7 Mar. 20, 2010
83. Communicating with Workers at Risk for Suicide
(October 28, 2008)
Replaced by PD#C12-8 (Managing Claims of Psychologically Fragile Workers) Mar. 20, 2010
84. Interim Third Party Business Processes
(December 14, 1998)
Replaced by PD#C16-2 June 8, 2009
85. Permanent Disability Benefits – Section 23(3)
October 22, 2008)
Replaced by PD#C6-2 June 30, 2010
86. Interest
(May 8, 2009)
Replaced by PD#C7-2 June 21, 2011
87. Claims with Opioids, Sedative-Hypnotics or Other Drugs of Addiction Prescribed
(Feb. 18, 2011)

Replaced by PD#C10-1 July 12, 2011

88. Adjudication of Activity-Related Soft Tissue Disorder ("ASTD") Claims
(Oct. 2, 2006)
Replaced by PD#C3-2 Dec. 5, 2011
89. Implementation of Appellate Decisions
(Feb. 25, 2009)
Replaced by PD#C12-6 Dec. 5, 2011
90. Responding to a Risk or Threat of Suicide
(Oct. 24, 2008)
Replaced by PD#C12-9 Dec. 5, 2011
91. Reopenings
(Mar. 31, 2005)
Replaced by PD#C14-3 Apr. 16, 2012
92. Permanent Disability Benefits – Section 23(3) (INTERIM PRACTICE)
(April 29, 2011)
Replaced by PD#C6-2 May 7, 2012
93. Adjudication of Activity-Related Soft Tissue Disorder ("ASTD") Claims
(Dec. 5, 2011)
Replaced by PD#C3-2 May 11, 2012
94. Claims with Opioids, Sedative-Hypnotics or Other Drugs of Addiction Prescribed
(July 12, 2011)
Replaced by PD#C10-1 May 16, 2012
95. Duration of Benefits - Age 65
(May 14, 2003)
Replaced by PD#C5-1 June 1, 2012
96. Mental Stress
(Oct. 13, 2010)
Under review July 1, 2012
97. Employment Insurance Payments
(July 5, 2006)
Replaced by PD#C9-8 July 1, 2012
98. Initial and Long-Term Average Earnings
(May 1, 2008)
Replaced by PD#9-4 July 1, 2012
99. Permanent Disability Benefits – Section 23(3)
(May 7, 2012)
Replaced by PD#C6-2 Aug. 3, 2012
100. Secondary Employment
(June 17, 2003)
Replaced by PD#C9-5
Sept 7, 2012
101. Implementation of Appellate Decisions
(Dec. 5, 2011)
Replaced by PD#C12-6
Oct. 22, 2012
102. Suspensions
(June 24, 2010)
Replaced by PD#C5-4
Mar. 11, 2013
103. Responding to a Risk or Threat of Suicide
(Dec. 5, 2011)
Replaced by PD#C12-9
Mar. 11, 2013
104. Duration of Benefits - Age 65
(Jun 1, 2012)
Replaced by PD#C5-1
Apr. 4, 2013
105. Part 3 Violations - Guidelines for Claims Staff
(Dec 17, 2001)
Replaced by PD#C12-2
Apr 26, 2013
106. S. 39(1)(e) - Relief of Costs: Eligibility and Application
(Feb. 3, 2006)
Replaced by PD#C17-1
May 3, 2013
107. Overpayments
(April 18, 2008)

Replaced by PD#C7-3
June 1, 2013

108. Mental Disorder Claims (INTERIM PRACTICE)
(Jan. 2, 2013)
Replaced by PD#C3-3
June 21, 2013

Claims with Opioids, Sedative-Hypnotics or Other Drugs of Addiction Prescribed
(Jan. 2, 2013)

Replaced by PD#C10-1
June 28, 2013


(Nov. 30, 2007)

Replaced by PD#C14-2 Sept 30, 2013

(Jun. 1, 2013)

Replaced by PD#C7-3 Oct. 8, 2013
112. Overpayments
(Oct. 8, 2013)
Replaced by PD#C7-3 Dec. 16, 2013
113. Interest
(Jun. 21, 2011)
Replaced by PD#C7-2 Jan. 1, 2014
114. Implementation of Appellate Decisions
(Oct. 22, 2012)
Replaced by PD#C12-6 Jan. 8, 2014
115. Overpayments
(Dec. 16, 2013)
Replaced by PD#C7-3 Jan. 21, 2014
116. Mental Disorder Claims
(Jun. 21, 2013)
Replaced by PD#C3-3 Feb. 18, 2014
117. Overpayments
(Jan. 21, 2014)
Replaced by PD#C7-3 Feb. 18, 2014
118. Composition of Earnings
(Feb. 4, 2008)
Replaced by PD#C9-11 Mar. 12, 2014
119. Selective/Light Employment
(Jan. 25, 2011)
Replaced by PD#C5-5 May 5, 2014
120. Implementation of Appellate Decisions
(Jan. 8, 2014)
Replaced by PD#12-6 June 23, 2014
121. Permanent Disability Benefits - Section 23(3)
(Aug. 3, 2012)
Replaced by PD#6-2 July 18, 2014
122a. Claims with Opioids, Sedative-Hypnotics or Other Drugs of Addiction Prescribed
(Jun. 28, 2013)
Replaced by PD#10-1 Oct. 20, 2014
122b. Claims with Opioids, Sedative-Hypnotics or Other Drugs of Addiction Prescribed
(October 20, 2014)
Replaced by PD#C10-1 Jan. 1, 2015
123. Reopenings
(April 16, 2012)
Replaced by PD#C14-3 Jan. 30, 2015
124. Duration of Benefits - Age 65
(April 4, 2013)
Replaced by PD#C5-1 Jan. 30, 2015
125. Income Loss Payments
(May 8, 2009)

Replaced by PD#C10-2 Mar. 20, 2015

126. Pain and Chronic Pain
(Dec 21,2010)
Replaced by PD#C3-1 May 15, 2015
127. Adjudication of Activity-Related Soft Tissue Disorder ("ASTD") Claims
(May 11, 2012)
Replaced by PD#C4-2 May 22, 2015
128. Vocational Rehabilitation Programs & Services
(May 8, 2009)
Replaced by PD#C11-2 Sept. 1, 2015
129. Vocational Rehabilitation Extent of Service
(Jan. 29, 2003)
Replaced by PD#C11-3 Sept. 1, 2015
130. Implementation of Appellate Decisions
(June 23, 2014)
Replaced by PD#C12-6 Sept. 11, 2015
131. Compensable Consequences - Psychological Conditions
(Feb. 6, 2015)
Replaced by PD#C3-5 Oct. 30, 2015
132. Initial and Long-Term Average Earnings
(July 1, 2012)
Replaced by PD#C9-4 Jan.1, 2016
133. Implementation of Appellate Decisions
(Sept. 11, 2015)
Replaced by PD#C12-6 Jan. 28, 2016
134. Interest
(Jan. 1, 2014)
Retired Feb. 3, 2016
135. Composition of Earnings
(Feb. 4, 2008)
Replaced by PD#C9-11 Mar. 12, 2014
136. Surveillance and Other Evidence
(Mar. 16, 2011)
Replaced by PD#C12-7 Mar. 24, 2016
137. Mental Disorder Claims
(Feb. 18, 2014)
Replaced by PD#C3-3 May 13, 2016
138. Suspensions
(Mar. 11, 2013)
Replaced by PD#C5-4 July 12, 2016

Claims with Opioids, Sedative/Hypnotics or Other Prescribed Potentially Addictive Drugs
(Jan 1, 2015)

Replaced by PD#C10-1 Jan. 27, 2017

140. Income Loss Payments
(Mar. 20, 2015)
Replaced by PD#C10-2 Mar. 1, 2017
141. Responding to a Risk or Threat of Suicide
(March 11, 2013)
Replaced by PD#C12-9 June 1, 2017
142. S. 39(1)(e) - Relief of Costs: Evaluation and Determination of the Amount
(Nov. 2, 2005)
Replaced by PD#C17-3 Nov. 8, 2017
143. Activity-Related Soft Tissue Disorder (ASTD) Claims
(May 22, 2015)
Replaced by PD#C4-2 Nov. 21, 2017

Authorization for Obtaining and Releasing Personal Information
(September 15, 2009)

Replaced by PD#C12-5 Apr. 11, 2018

Mental Disorder Claims
(May 13, 2016)

Replaced by PD#C3-3 May 18, 2018

Mental Disorder Claims (INTERIM PRACTICE)
(May 18, 2018)

Replaced by PD#C3-3 July 23, 2018
147. Mental Disorder Claims (INTERIM PRACTICE)
(July 23, 2018)
Replaced by PD#3-3 May 21, 2019
148. Selective/Light Employment
(May 5, 2014)
Replaced by PD#C5-5 Dec. 2, 2019
149. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits-Section 23(1)
(March 3, 2003)
Replaced by PD#C6-1 Dec. 2, 2019
150. Violations of the Act: Agreements to Forego Benefits and Employers Preventing Reporting
(April 26, 2013)
Replaced by PD#C6-1 Dec. 2, 2019
151. Claims with Opioids, Sedative/Hypnotics or Other Prescribed Potentially Addictive Drugs
(January 27, 2017)
Replaced by PD#C10-1 Dec. 2, 2019
152. Chronic Pain
(May 15, 2015)
Replaced by PD#C3-1 Feb. 28, 2020
153. Mental Disorder Claims
(May 21, 2019)
Replaced by PD #C3-3 Feb. 28, 2020
154. S.5 (4) Presumption
(April 20, 2012)
Replaced by PD #C3-4 Feb. 28, 2020
155. Activity-Related Soft Tissue Disorder ("ASTD") Claims
(November 21, 2017)
Replaced by PD #C4-2 Feb. 28, 2020
156. Duration of Benefits - Age 65
(January 30, 2015)
Replaced by PD #C5-1 Feb. 28, 2020
157. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits - Section 23(1)
(December 2, 2019)
Replaced by PD #C6-1 Feb. 28, 2020
158. Employment Insurance Payments
(July 1, 2012)
Replaced by PD #C9-8 Feb. 28, 2020
159. Composition of Earnings
(March 24, 2016)
Replaced by PD #C9-11 Feb. 28, 2020
160. Long-Term Average Earnings: Section 33.4 - Exceptional Circumstances
(May 1, 2008)
Replaced by PD #C9-12 Feb. 28, 2020
161. Vocational Rehabilitation Income Continuity (Code R) Benefits
(March 3, 2003)
Replaced by PD #C11-1 Feb. 28, 2020
162. Vocational Rehabilitation Programs & Services
(September 1, 2015)
Replaced by PD #C11-2 Feb. 28, 2020
163. Vocational Rehabilitation - Extent of Service
(September 1, 2015)
Replaced by PD #C11-3 Feb. 28, 2020
164. Surveillance and Other Evidence
(March 24, 2016)
Replaced by PD #C12-7 Feb. 28, 2020
165. Out-of-Province Injuries
(October 12, 2005)
Replaced by PD #C16-3 Feb. 28, 2020
166. Effective Dates and Transition Rules
(February 27, 2007)
Replaced by PD #C1-1 Apr. 6, 2020
167. Binding Nature of Policy
(April 22, 2003)
Replaced by PD #C1-2 Apr. 6, 2020
168. Chronic Pain
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C3-1 Apr. 6, 2020
169. Mental Disorder Claims (Interim)
(February 1, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C3-3 Apr. 6, 2020
170. S.5 (4) Presumption
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C3-4 Apr. 6, 2020
171. Compensable Consequences - Psychological Conditions
(October 30, 2015)
Replaced by PD #C3-5 Apr. 6, 2020
172. Teachers' Participation in Extra-Employment Activities
(May 9, 2016)
Replaced by PD #C3-6 Apr. 6, 2020
173. Adjudication of Contagious Occupational Diseases
(October 27, 2009)
Replaced by PD #C4-1 Apr. 6, 2020
174. Activity-Related Soft Tissue Disorder (ASTD) Claims
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C4-2 Apr. 6, 2020
175. Duration of Benefits - Age 65
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C5-1 Apr. 6, 2020
176. Commencement of Payments
(November 19, 2004)
Replaced by PD #C5-2 Apr. 6, 2020
177. Termination of Temporary Disability Benefits
(December 21, 2004)
Replaced by PD #C5-3 Apr. 6, 2020
178. Suspensions
(July 12, 2016)
Replaced by PD #C5-4 Apr. 6, 2020
179. Selective Light Employment
(December 2, 2019)
Replaced by PD #C5-5 Apr. 6, 2020
180. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits - Section 23(1)
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C6-1 Apr. 6, 2020
181. Permanent Disability Benefits – Section 23(3)
(July 18, 2014)
Replaced by PD #C6-2 Apr. 6, 2020
182. Payment of Public Trustee and Committee Fees
(August 25, 1998)
Replaced by PD #C7-1 Apr. 6, 2020
183. Overpayments
(February 18, 2014)
Replaced by PD #C7-3 Apr. 6, 2020
184. Coverage and Compensation for Self-Employed Persons
(August 1, 2006)
Replaced by PD #C9-1 Apr. 6, 2020
185. Provisional Rate
(March 3, 2003)
Replaced by PD #C9-2 Apr. 6, 2020
186. Net System of Compensation
(May 8, 2009)
Replaced by PD #C9-3 Apr. 6, 2020
187. Initial and Long-Term Average Earnings
(January 1, 2016)
Replaced by PD #C9-4 Apr. 6, 2020
188. Secondary Employment
(July 1, 2012)
Replaced by PD #C9-5 Apr. 6, 2020
189. Employment Insurance Payments
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C9-8 Apr. 6, 2020
190. Casual Pattern of Employment
(January 1, 2006)
Replaced by PD #C9-9 Apr. 6, 2020
191. Workers Deducting Business and/or Equipment Expenses
(August 1, 2006)
Replaced by PD #C9-10 Apr. 6, 2020
192. Composition of Earnings
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C9-11 Apr. 6, 2020
193. Long Term Average Earnings: Section 33.4 - Exceptional Circumstances
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C9-12 Apr. 6, 2020
194. Claims with Opioids, Sedative/Hypnotics or Other Prescribed Potentially Addictive Drugs
(November 29, 2019)
Replaced by PD #C10-1 Apr. 6, 2020
195. Income Loss Payments
(March 1, 2017)
Replaced by PD #C10-2 Apr. 6, 2020
196. Additional Benefits for Severely Disabled Workers
(July 12, 2016)
Replaced by PD #C10-3 Apr. 6, 2020
Independence and Home Maintenance Allowance
(July 12, 2016)
Replaced by PD #C10-4 Apr. 6, 2020
198. Continuity of Income (Code R) Benefits
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C11-1 Apr. 6, 2020
Vocational Rehabilitation Programs & Services
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C11-2 Apr. 6, 2020
Vocational Rehabilitation Extent of Service
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C11-3 Apr. 6, 2020
Vocational Rehabilitation Relocation
(January 29, 2003)
Replaced by PD #C11-4 Apr. 6, 2020
Disclosure of Personal Information
(March 3, 2003)
Replaced by PD #C12-1 Apr. 6, 2020
203. Violations of the Act: Agreement to Forego Benefits and Employers Preventing Reporting
(December 2, 2019)
Replaced by PD #C12-2 Apr. 6, 2020
Authorization for Obtaining and Releasing Personal Information
(April 11, 2018)
Replaced by PD #C12-5 Apr. 6, 2020
Implementation of Appellate Decisions
(January 28, 2016)
Replaced by PD #C12-6 Apr. 6, 2020
Surveillance and Other Evidence
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C12-7 Apr. 6, 2020
Managing Claims of Psychologically Fragile Workers
(March 29, 2010)
Replaced by PD #C12-8 Apr. 6, 2020
Responding to a Risk or Threat of Suicide
(June 1, 2017)
Replaced by PD #C12-9 Apr. 6, 2020
Bill 63 Effective Dates and Transition Rules for Reopenings, Reconsiderations, Reviews and Appeals
(March 3, 2003)
Replaced by PD #C14-1 Apr. 6, 2020
(September 30, 2013)
Replaced by PD #C14-2 Apr. 6, 2020
(January 30, 2015)
Replaced by PD #C14-3 Apr. 6, 2020
Findings of Fact
(June 26, 2006)
Replaced by PD #C14-4 Apr. 6, 2020
Inter-jurisdictional Claims
(May 25, 1998)
Replaced by PD #C16-1 Apr. 6, 2020
Interim Third Party Business
(June 8, 2009)
Replaced by PD #C16-2 Apr. 6, 2020
Out-Of-Province Injuries
(February 28, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C16-3 Apr. 6, 2020
S. 39(1)(e) - Relief of Costs: Eligibility and Application
(May 3, 2013)
Replaced by PD #C17-1 Apr. 6, 2020
Experience Rating Cost Exclusions
(July 4, 2005)
Replaced by PD #C17-2 Apr. 6, 2020
S. 39(1)(e) - Relief of Costs: Evaluation and Determination of the Amount
(November 8, 2017)
Replaced by PD #C17-3 Apr. 6, 2020
219. Retirement Benefits
(July 16, 2002)
Replaced by PD #C18-1 Apr. 6, 2020
220. Disability Awards - S.23(1) Specifications and Calculations Replaced Apr. 6, 2020
221. Permanent Disability Benefits for Loss of Range of Motion - Chronic Pain (Jozipovic Decision) Replaced Apr. 6, 2020
222. Practice Q&A: Mental Disorder Claims - Eligible Occupations under the Presumption Replaced Apr. 6, 2020
223. Psychological Impairment Guidelines Replaced Apr. 6, 2020
Surveillance and Other Evidence
(March 24, 2016)
Replaced by PD #C12-7 June 5, 2020
225. Duration of Benefits - Age 65
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C5-1 July 1, 2020
226. Adjudication of Contagious Occupational Diseases
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C4-1 Aug. 20, 2020
227. Reconsiderations
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C14-2 Oct. 29, 2020
228. Mental Disorder Claims (Interim)
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C3-3 Oct. 30, 2020
229. Reopenings
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C14-3 Nov. 24, 2020
230. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits - Section 195(1)
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C6-1 Jan. 1, 2021
231. Vocational Rehabilitation - Income Continuity Benefits
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C11-1 Jan. 1, 2021
232. Vocational Rehabilitation - Extent of Service
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C11-3 Jan. 1, 2021
233. Permanent Disability Benefits for Loss of Range of Motion - Chronic Pain (Jozipovic Decision)
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced Jan. 1, 2021
234. Permanent Disability Benefits – Section 196(3)
(April 6, 2020)
Retired Jan. 1, 2021
235. Duration of Benefits - Age 65
(July 1, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C5-1 Jan. 1, 2021
236. Managing Claims of Psychologically Fragile Workers
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C12-8 May 3, 2021
237. Duration of Benefits - Retirement Date
(January 1, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C5-1 May 17, 2021
238. Mental Disorder Claims (Interim)
(October 30, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C3-3 May 19, 2021
239. Managing Claims of Psychologically Fragile Workers
(May 3, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C12-8 May 19, 2021
240. Responding to a Risk or Threat of Suicide
(Apr. 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD #C12-9 May 19, 2021
241. Interjurisdictional Claims
(Apr. 6, 2020)
Retired Sept. 21, 2021
242. Interim Third Party Business Processes
(Apr. 6, 2020)
Retired Sept. 21, 2021

Mental Disorder Claims (Interim)
(Aug. 14, 2020)

Replaced by PD #C3-7 Nov. 17, 2021
244. Duration of Benefits - Retirement Date
(May 17, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C5-1 Nov. 26, 2021

Activity-Related Soft Tissue Disorder (“ASTD”) Claims
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD #C4-2 Dec. 30, 2021
246. Managing Claims of Psychologically Vulnerable Workers
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C12-8 Jan. 19, 2022
Authorization for Obtaining and Releasing Personal Information
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C12-5 June 6, 2022
Permanent Partial Disability Benefits – Section 23(1)
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C6-1 Oct. 3, 2022
Vocational Rehabilitation – Income Continuity Benefits
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C11-1 Oct. 3, 2022
Vocational Rehabilitation – Extent of Service
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C11-3 Oct. 3, 2022
251. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits
(October 3, 2022)
Replaced by PD #6-1 Nov. 16, 2022
252. Implementation of Appellate Decisions
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#C12-6 Apr. 3, 2023
253. Interest (Interim)
(April 3, 2023)
Replaced by PD#C7-4 Aug. 8, 2023
254. Claims with Opioids, Sedatives/Hypnotics or Other Prescribed Potentially Addictive Drugs
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#C10-1 Nov. 1, 2023
255. Selective/Light Employment
(December 30, 2021)
Retired Jan. 1, 2024
256. Duration of Benefits - Retirement Date
(November 26, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C5-1 Jan. 1, 2024
257. Mental Disorder Claims — Time Limits for Application
(November 17, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C3-7 June 3, 2024
258. Mental Disorder Claims (Interim)
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C3-3 July 9, 2024
259. Practice Q&A: Mental Disorder Claims - Eligible Occupations under the Presumption Replaced July 9, 2024
260. Chronic Pain
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD #C3-1 September 16, 2024
261. Compensable Consequences — Psychological Conditions
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#3-5 September 16, 2024
262. Duration of Benefits — Retirement Date
(January 1, 2024)
Replaced by PD#C5-1 September 16, 2024
263. Commencement of Payments
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#C5-2 September 16, 2024
264. Termination of Wage-Loss Benefits for Temporary Disability
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#C5-3 September 16, 2024
265. Suspensions
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#C5-4 September 16, 2024
266. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits
(November 16, 2022)
Replaced by PD#C6-1 September 16, 2024
267. Secondary Employment
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#C9-5 September 16, 2024
268. Composition of Earnings
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#C9-11 September 16, 2024
269. Vocational Rehabilitation Programs & Services
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#C11-2 September 16, 2024
270. Managing Claims of Psychologically Vulnerable Workers
(January 19, 2022)
Replaced by PD#C12-8 September 16, 2024
271. Reopenings
(December 30, 2021)
Replaced by PD#C14-3 September 16, 2024

Assessment Practice Directives no longer in force

No. Title Rescinded/Replaced

Interpretative principles and administration of the Act
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD1-0-0(A) Jan 1, 2023


Status – Principles
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD1-1-1(A) Jan 1, 2023

Status – Independent Operator
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD1-1-1(A) Jan 1, 2023

Status – Employer
(April 6, 20200)

Replaced by PD1-1-1(A) Jan 1, 2023

Status – Worker
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD1-1-1(A) Jan 1, 2023

Status – Volunteer
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD1-1-1(A) Jan 1, 2023

Status – Labour contractor criteria
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD1-1-1(A) Jan 1, 2023

Personal Optional Protection
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD1-4-3(A) Jan 1, 2023


Extending application of the Act
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD1-1-1(A) Jan 1, 2023


Registration of Employers
(April 6, 2020)

Replaced by PD5-245-1(A) Jan 1, 2023


Status – Worker and Independent Operator
(May 1, 2010)

Replaced by PD1-1-3(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-1-3(B) Status – Specific Occupations
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD1-1-3(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-1-4(A) Employers
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD1-1-4(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-1-5(A) Workers
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD1-1-5(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-1-7(A) Labour Contractors
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD1-1-7(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-2-1(A) Exemptions from Coverage
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD1-4-1(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-2-3(A) Personal Optional Protection
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD1-4-3(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-3-1(A) Extending Application of the Act
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD1-5/6/7-1(A) April 6, 2020

Out of Province Coverage
(May 1, 2010)

Replaced by PD4-147-1(A) April 6, 2020

The Classification System
(January 1, 2013)

Replaced by PD5-244-1(A) April 6, 2020

Assignment within the Classification System
(January 1, 2013)

Replaced by PD5-244-2(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-37-3(A) Change of Classification
(January 1, 2013)
Replaced by PD5-244-3(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-38-1(A) Cancellation of registration
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD5-245-1(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-38-2(A) Assessable payroll
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD5-245-2(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-38-4(A) Interjurisdictional Trucking
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD5-245-3(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-39-2(A) Payment of interest
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD5-243-1(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-42-3(A) Experience Rating
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD5-247-3(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-47-2(A) Section 47(2)
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD5-263-1(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-51-1(A) Clearance letters
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD5-258-1 (A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-88-1(A) Audit and Inquiry
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD8-347-1(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-96-1(A) Reconsiderations, Reviews and Appeals
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD3-123-1(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-96-2(A) Fraud and Misrepresentation
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD3-124-1(A) April 6, 2020
PD#1-97-1(A) Coverage under Federal Statutes or Agreements between the Provincial and Federal Governments
(May 1, 2010)
Replaced by PD8-336-1(A) April 6, 2020
PD#5-245-2(A) Assessable payroll
(April 6, 2020)
Replaced by PD5-245-2(A) January 1, 2024