POA Decision – 2001/12/14-02 – Miscellaneous Amendments to the Occupation Health & Safety Regulation Section 26.67(6)
The Panel of Administrators has approved the repeal of section 26.67(6) - Load Specifications for Logging Trucks. This prescriptive requirement was found impracticable by a joint committee of industry and labour representatives reporting to the Health and Safety Advisory Committee. Overloading of logging trucks remains a violation of the OHSR addressed by sections 2.2, 4.3(1)(a) and 26.2. The repeal came into force 90 days after deposit with the Registrar of Regulations. The Board gave notice and held a public hearing on these amendments in accordance with Section 226(1) of the Workers Compensation Act. These amendments are part of an on-going review of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.
2021-04-22 20:42:33