POA Decision – 2001/03/07-01 – The Occupational Health & Safety Regulation Environmental Tobacco Smoke Sections 4.81, 4.82, 4.83
The Panel of Administrators of the Workers' Compensation Board approved amendments to Environmental Tobacco Smoke regulations to further control workers' exposure to second-hand smoke in hospitality, long-term care and provincial correctional facilities. The revised regulation came into effect September 10, 2001. The Panel resolution follows comprehensive consultation with all stakeholders through a public hearing process held in June 2000. The amendments will mean employers in all industries, including the hospitality sector, long term care and provincial correctional facilities, must control workers' exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, and they provide reasonable options, such as designated smoking areas or other equally effective means, to protect workers. Designated smoking areas include safe, outdoor locations and separately ventilated indoor smoking rooms that workers must not enter except in an emergency, where there is a requirement to investigate for illegal activity, or until the smoke has been effectively removed.