BOD Decision -2004/05/18-01 – Recreational, Exercise or Sport Activities
At its meeting on May 18, 2004, the Board of Directors approved amendments to policies in the Rehabilitation Services & Claims Manual, Volume II, dealing with coverage for workers injured while engaged in recreational, exercise or sports activities.
The key changes include:
- Amendments to policy item #20.20 (Recreational, Exercise or Sports Activities) to clarify ambiguities and address inconsistencies within the policy. The changes clarify the factors to be considered when determining whether an injury that occurs during such activities may be covered. Policy also refers readers to the list of factors set out in policy item #14.00 for consideration.
- Consequential amendments to policy items #14.00 (Arising out of and in the Course of Employment) and #20.50 (Fund Raising, Charitable Or Other Similar Activities).
- Retirement of Decision No. 343 of the Workers' Compensation Reporter, Volume 5.
The policy amendments took effect on June 1, 2004 and apply to all injuries on or after June 1, 2004.
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