BOD Decision -2003/12/16-02 - Prevention Policy Consolidation
The Board of Directors approved the final phase of the prevention policy consolidation project. This phase included:
- the retirement of 39 policies from the Prevention Division Policy and Procedure Manual ("Policy and Procedure Manual");
- the consolidation of portions of two policies (i.e. Procedure No. 1.3.3-1 "Issuing Inspection Reports" and Policy 1.4.2 "Penalty Assessments and Levies") from the Policy and Procedure Manual into the Prevention Manual;
- several consequential changes to policies in the Prevention Manual;
- the transfer of the first two sentences of policy item #115.20 "Significance of Employer's Conduct in Producing Injury" from the Rehabilitation Services & Claims Manual, Volume II ("RS&CM") to policy item #113.00 of that manual; and
- the deletion of policy item #115.20 from the RS&CM.
Changes were effective on December 31, 2003. On that date, the policies set out in Appendix "A" to the attached resolution cease to be policy and the Policy and Procedure Manual will exist solely for decision-making on historical issues.
2021-04-22 20:42:33