BOD Decision -2005/05/17-01 – Changes to Two Experience Rating Policies in the Assessment Manual
The Board of Directors approved amendments to WorkSafeBC's policy on the transfer of experience, as provided in Item AP1-42-3 (Transfer of Experience Between Firms) of the Assessment Manual.
When a firm transfers all or part of its business operations to another firm or firms, WorkSafeBC must determine if the original firm's experience should transfer to the successor firm(s). Under the old policy the original firm's experience would only transfer to a successor firm if 50 percent of each firm's ownership was the same. Item AP1-42-3 is amended to enable the WCB to consider "affiliation" between firms as criteria for experience transfer. In addition, Item AP1-42-1 (Experience Rating) is amended to include a definition of experience.
The amendments came into effect on June 1, 2005, and apply to all decisions made on or after that date.