My health & safety resources

This tool guides you through a series of questions and topics to help you identify hazards and risks that may exist in your workplace. Once completed, you’ll receive a report that contains a curated list of:

  • Specific requirements for your workplace and those that apply to all workplaces in B.C.
  • Links to relevant sections of the Workers Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulation
  • Health and safety topics you selected, with links to resources for more information

You can choose to download your report as either an Acrobat PDF or an Excel workbook, the latter allowing greater flexibility and providing the most value. The workbook will include links to the specific requirements, legislative information, and health and safety topics for your workplace as mentioned above.

Upgrades coming shortly

We strive to continually improve our online tools and services and want to hear your suggestions. Please select the feedback option, which is available from either the online application or your Excel workbook, to share your experience and what we can do to make it better.

Publication Date: Nov 2022 Asset type: Interactive Form