New resource to help young workers prevent hearing loss

Published on: June 11, 2020

Young workers may think that hearing loss is not something they need to worry about. This information sheet outlines why noise-induced hearing loss is a hazard that workers of all ages need to take seriously.

Listen up! How to prevent hearing lossNoise-induced hearing loss can happen in any worksite where workers are exposed to noise louder than 85 decibels. Listen up! How to prevent hearing loss is designed specifically for young workers to tell them about the hazards of workplace noise and what they can do to protect their hearing.

Employers can use this information sheet as part of new and young worker training and orientation. Educators can distribute the information to students during career education events or in preparation for work experience.

View Hearing loss prevention for additional resources on the topic, and visit Young & new workers for more resources designed for a young worker audience.