Request a copy of your claim

The fastest way to get details about your claim information is to view claims online. If you prefer, you can request a copy of your claim, and we'll send the information to you. If you initiated your claim before May 2009, it will not appear online so you must request it in writing.

Requesting claim information

If you'd like a copy of your claim information, please download, complete, and send us a Request for Disclosure Form. Write clearly and make sure you sign the form. Your signature helps us to authenticate your identity and protect your privacy. Then, mail or fax it to the address listed at the top of the form. Employers will only receive a copy of claim information if they are a participant in a review or appeal.

Receiving claim information

When the claim file is ready to download, you'll receive an email asking you to log in to your online account. Once you've logged in, you can select "View and Download Claim File Disclosure" to see your available files.

Physical evidence (DVDs containing videos, pictures, audio recordings) will be delivered to you by Canada Post within two weeks of the disclosure being available online.

Contacting us

Questions about your claim information? Our Claims Call Centre will be happy to help.

If you are a lawyer requesting disclosure, please see the following legal disclosure information package.