Services for seriously injured workers

A serious injury is one that results in a significant, permanent loss of physical or mental health. Some examples include spinal cord or brain injuries, or major limb amputation. If you have a serious injury your case manager may refer you to our Special Care Services teams, who can provide a range of support.

How we can help

Our Special Care Services teams partner with you in all aspects of your recovery, to help you as you navigate an often unpredictable and sometimes challenging life following your injury.

We offer a variety of services. These include:

Claim management

We help manage your claim to ensure you get the most appropriate care possible. Our specialized teams oversee the benefits and health care services you receive and, working closely with you, we coordinate all your medical services.

Specialized equipment

We can arrange for the medical equipment you may need, such as motorized wheelchairs and prosthetics. Depending on your circumstances, we may also be able to arrange for modifications to your home or vehicle.

Client outreach

A registered nurse may be assigned to work with you and your case manager. Our nurse can keep in touch when you're at home and review and discuss issues such as:

  • The help you're receiving
  • Your needs for ongoing care
  • Your entitlement to further support, including financial assistance to help cover personal care costs

Pain and addiction management

We can arrange comprehensive assessments for you by physicians with expertise in pain medication and addiction management. Based on their assessments and other medical evidence, we can make recommendations for medication changes if appropriate. We can also arrange treatment for substance use disorders when needed.

Consultation services

Treatment for you can be complex and involve many specialists. You may need to make decisions about treatment options that come with risks as well as benefits. To help, we'll consult with your health care providers and offer recommendations for your care.

We base our recommendations on best practices and research.

Mental health services

Physical injury, chronic health conditions, and psychological trauma can all affect your mental health. To help, we can identify and coordinate mental health services for you. We can arrange assessment, treatment, and monitoring. Our goal is to assist you before things reach a crisis point. We can also respond if you are at risk of harm.

Additional assistance in the community

In addition to our own resources for helping you, we partner with a range of individuals and organizations around the province. These include medical specialists, social agencies, and governments. Many of them have the expertise, programs, and resources to meet your specific needs.

We'll connect you with the right people in these organizations so you don't have to find them on your own. They can provide additional support and assistance, often in your own community.