Heat stress screening tool

When working in a hot environment, workers can experience heat stress. It's important to protect workers from the risk of heat stress by implementing controls.

This tool is provided to help you evaluate when workers may be at risk of heat stress and when you need to implement effective controls. However, the use of this screening tool does not replace your responsibilities under the Workers Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations for providing workers with a healthy and safe work environment.

To learn full information about heat exposure assessment and controls, see OHS Guidelines: Heat Exposure and Preventing Heat Stress at Work.

Is your worker experiencing heat stress?

A worker experiencing signs and symptoms of heat stress must be removed from the hot environment and provided with first aid or medical attention, as appropriate.

Personal risk factors may make workers more susceptible to heat stress, regardless of heat stress screening criteria not being exceeded.

View signs and symptoms of heat stress and treatment

What would you like to do?

WorkSafeBC may collect metadata as a result of user's interaction with this application. You individual responses in this application will not be collected. Any metadata that is collected from this tool will be aggregated and analyzed for the purposes of making enhancements to this tool and programs offered by WorkSafeBC. The collection of this information is authorized under section 26(c) of BC's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection of personal information, then you may contact the FIPP office at 604.276.8171 or fipp@worksafebc.com

Have questions about heat stress? Call us at 604.276.3100 (or toll-free at 1.888.621.7233).

Have a technical issue with this tool? Call us toll free at 1.888.855.2477 or email ehelp@worksafebc.com