BOD Decision -2014/11/20-06 – The Occupational Health and Safety Regulation Occupational Exposure Limits

At the November 2014 meeting, the BOD approved the adoption of 4 substances from the 2012 new and revised ACGIH TLVs and 4 substances revised in previous years.

The BOD decided to adopt the ACGIH TLVs as BC OELs for carbonyl sulfide, diacetyl, ethyl formate and nonane.  The BOD also decided to adopt the ACGIH TLVs revised in previous years for beryllium and compounds, vanadium pentoxide, alpha-methyl styrene, and Portland cement.

Effective February 1, 2015, these substances will be removed from the Table of OELs for Excluded Substances in Policy R5.48-1, and the ACGIH TLVs will be assigned as BC OELs

There are sampling issues for allyl bromide, nitrogen dioxide, o-phthalodinitrile, and piperazine and its salts.  WorkSafeBC will continue to monitor the availability of validated sampling methods for these substances.

Meeting Date: Nov 2014 File type: PDF (159 KB) Asset type: Policy & Regulation Decision