Report a workplace injury or disease

When someone suffers a work-related injury or disease, we're here to help. We understand it can be a stressful time, and we offer support through each step of the claims process, from the initial report of the injury through to the worker's recovery and return to usual work duties.

If you are a

Worker Call Teleclaim @ 1.888.WORKERS (1.888.967.5377) or report online or by fax or mail. See more information on how to report and what to expect.
Employer Submit an employer's report online with or without an account, or by fax or mail. See all options for how to report.
Health care provider Submit a physician's report or a provider-specific report

COVID-19 claims
Learn more about the support you can access and what to do when workers think they have a work-related case of COVID-19. See our COVID-19 claims information.

What to report

Please contact us as soon as possible if a worker:

  • Is taken from or leaves the jobsite for treatment at a medical facility
  • Misses time from work after the day of the injury
  • Loses consciousness
  • Is diagnosed with a work-related disease
  • Develops symptoms of a mental health condition related to work or the work environment
  • Suffers broken eyeglasses, dentures, hearing aid or artificial limb due to a work-related incident

Reporting serious incidents and fatalities

Employers must also immediately report serious incidents and fatalities to us by calling the Prevention Information Line. This is in addition to reporting an injury related to a claim.

The claims process

When there's been a work-related injury or illness, workers can help speed their recovery by staying at work and doing modified duties where possible. Medical literature shows that staying at work is one of the most important factors for overall health.

We have a basic process for most claims. These are the steps for workers:

The claims process

  1. 1

    File a claim

    Once we receive a report of a work-related injury or illness, we gather information from the worker, the employer, and the health care provider. We can usually provide a decision on whether a claim is accepted within an average of 10 days. We may need more time for some claims.

  2. 2

    Receive benefits and services for accepted claims

    Once a claim is accepted, we let the worker know about the benefits and services they will receive. The services help a worker recover and safely resume usual job duties.

    If a worker is unable to work or participate in modified work duties, we'll get wage-loss payment to them as quickly as possible.

  3. 3

    Manage the claim

    Our online tools make it easy for a worker to manage a claim. Information about benefits and services, and correspondence about the claim, can be collected in one place with an online account.

  4. 4

    Recover and resume usual work duties

    We share with workers the goal of getting them back to their pre-injury duties at work. All of our assistance supports the strong medical connection between recovery and work.

    It's important for a worker to follow up with their health care practitioner, and with us, if their condition doesn’t resolve or they are concerned they may miss time from work.